Page 7 - SergioValera
P. 7

Some Work

                                        01                               03                                05

                                       02                                04                                06

             01. IES  GAB+                     03. LIVE BOOKS                    05. A V AL ON EV OCARE
             High School software, from enroll to class    Augmented reality app, adding video and   Application software for loss adjuster
             management and families communication.  other content to paper books.  companies management.
             A V AL ON N E T WORKIN G          T H E 4T H  LEAF                  A V AL ON RISK
             SOF T W ARE                       MOB ILE APP                       SOF T W ARE

             02. THE COUN TDOWN                04. 360 CL AIMS                   06. BRANDING
             Augmented Reality Escape Game for mo-  Application Software for full management,  Design and create new brand image,
             bile devices                      loss adjusters and insurance companies  including all merchandising.
             T H E 4T H  LEAF                  A V AL ON N E T WORKIN G          A V AL ON N E T WORKIN G
             MOB ILE GAME                      SOF T W ARE                       DESIGN

        [07] P AGE
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